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Home Exercise Workouts

Exercise | 1 MIN READ

Dolphin Fitness Club's Personal Trainer Philippe Ndongmo puts readers through their paces.


Philippe demonstrates his top three lower body and body weight workouts. Engaging your core and lower body muscles, these exercises are perfect for toning.  Philippe says "It will hurt you.  It will take time.  It will require dedication, will power and sacrifice.  You will need to make healthy decisions and push your body to the max.  There will be temptation, but I promise you, when you reach your goal it will be worth it."


Top Tip: Mix up your routine and maximise your workout.  Increase your reps.  Reduce your recovery period.  Increase your sets each week to see great results.

Three Home Workouts

Attempt each workout 20 to 30 reps each.  Have a 10 second rest period.  Carry out 3 sets of the round of reps.

Curtsey Lunge
Curtsey lunge demonstration

Burpees demonstration

Philippe Personal Trainer Dolphin Square

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Philippe Ndongmo 