Spa Blog | Dolphin Square

How to prep for your facial

Written by Dolphin Square Team | Feb 27, 2020 2:21:03 PM

Facials can make you feel relaxed, revitalised and somewhat restored, but if you’ve never had one before it’s helpful to know how best to prepare. Here are our top tips for achieving that post-facial glow. 

Hydrate. Water is your best friend before and after a facial - but so are hydrating lotions and (some) potions like serums and oils. If super-soft, plump skin is your goal remember to apply hydrating creams morning and night as part of your regular routine.
Top tip : Look for the ingredient hyaluronic acid, it’s essential for maintaining skin hydration and works for any skin type.

On the day, just turn up.  Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. Your experience starts as soon as you walk in. If you haven’t had time to wash your face beforehand don’t panic, when you feel good, your face reflects it.

Had a break out? Do your best to avoid tackling the problem area/s at home, particularly the week leading up to your appointment. Ditch the deep cleansing strips, our therapists are expertly trained and will do their utmost to soothe and restore your skin to its prime condition.

Lastly, do your research. We offer a range of bespoke facial experiences that target different issues, figure out which ones suits your needs best. Are blemishes and clogged pores weighing you down? Or perhaps you need a little rejuvenation and fancy a firming facial. Our experts are here to help.